(409) 565-3500 [email protected]

Habitat Conservation

Scrappin’ Valley is a clear demonstration of how interconnected plant and animal species can all thrive in a mutually beneficial environment.

It’s proof our site-specific forrest management practices are a sustainable balance of innovation fiber production and responsible wildlife habitat protection.

Scrappin’ Valley contains many soil, plant and animal communities. The native trees, shrubs, grasses and waterways provide food and cover for deer, coyotes, bobcats, feral hogs, squirrels, snakes and a wide range of birds. In addition, a recent plant survey of the area’s biologically sensitive sites identified 140 different species of plants in one bog alone.

The showpiece community at Scrappin’ Valley, though, is our 5,000-acre Red-cockaded Woodpecker (RCW) Habitat Conservation Management Area. This unique ecosystem, which includes our longleaf pine restoration area, is characterized by its high canopy, open mid-story and low, grassy ground cover.

Our RCW habitat supports a rich diversity of small plants and insects that create an environment where the endangered red-cock-aded woodpecker thrives. Designated a special habitat management area, Scrappin’ Valley supports one of the biggest populations of these rare birds nesting on private land in Texas.

But woodpeckers aren’t the only animals that benefit. The Bachman sparrow, the Louisiana pine snake and the Eastern wild turkey are other under-represented species whose numbers have steadily increased at Scrappin Valley. Our turkey population has even been used as brood stock for other re-establishment efforts.

Perhaps best of all, the lessons learned about selective harvesting, vegetation management, growth-rate enhancement and water quality protection achieved without sacrificing habitat protection will continue to enhance the environmental and productive value of all company forestland for years to come.

Arthur Temple Jr.
wild azaleas that bloom in early spring.